Easier Batch Barcode Generator

How to batch print barcodes and generate barcode images

How to Make Barcodes.

Just need three steps:

1. Input the barcode data.

2. Set the barcode format.

3. Print barcode label or output to the graphic files.

You also can print batch various barcodes on one paper, or export to many popular formats graphic files, or copied to the windows clipboard, they can be paste to the shipping label, invoice, etc. or import into desktop publishing software, word processing software or the reports program of the ERP, MIS system.

Input Barcode Data.

There are 4 ways to input barcode values, it can be import from text or Excel file.

The barcode’s data can be import from text or Excel file.

The Excel file format:

1. The program only read the “A” and “B” column, ignore the other columns.

2. The first row is title of the column, it must be entered as “Barcode Value” and “Print Quantity”.

3. The “B” column is the print quantity, if it is blank, the program will ignore this row.


If there are different type data in the column A, such as some cell is text, another is number, then it maybe miss data when you import data.

To avoid this problem, please use the "Convert Text to Columns Wizard" on Excel:

1. Highlight the column you want to convert.

2. Use the menu Data > Text to Columns command.

3. In Page 1 of the wizard, choose the appropriate file type (this will probably be Delimited).

4. In Page 2, remove any column dividers that may have shown up to keep the data in one column.

5. In Page 3, click Text under Column data format to indicate that this column is text.

Export Barcode Images.

Batch Barcode Generator can export to many popular formats graphic files, or copied to the windows clipboard, they can be paste to the shipping label, invoice, etc. or import into desktop publishing software, word processing software or the reports program of the ERP, MIS system.

Barcode types supported.
Code 128 Full ASCII-Character set with Code128 ABC autoselection
Code 128A Char Set A: Capital letters and special characters
Code 128B Char Set B: Letters in upper and lower case
Code 128C Char Set C: Optimized for numbers
EAN 128 Special form of the Code 128 also known as UCC/EAN 128
EAN 13 European-Article-Number with 13 digits
EAN 8 European-Article-Number with only 8 digits
EAN 5 Add on price code for ISBN
EAN 2 Add on found on newspapers
ISBN International Standard Book Number
ISSN International Standard Serial Number
UPC A Universal Product Code with 12 digits
UPC E Universal Product Code with 6 digits
Code 39 Also known as Code 3 of 9. Digits, uppercase letters and _. *$/+%
Code 39 Extended Full ASCII-Character set. Also known as Code 3 of 9 Extended.
Codebar Numeric code. Often used on medical equipment.
Code 25 Numeric code.
Interleaved Code 25 Numeric code. Compact.
POSTNet Numeric code. Used by post offices.
Post 2/5 Numeric code. Flavor of Interleave 2of5. Also known as Identcode or Leitcode.
Code93 Full ASCII-Character set.
Plessey Numeric and chars A to F.
PDF 417 2-Dimensional full ASCII barcode.
Code11 Numbers and '-' .
PLANET Postal code
4State Postal code
ITF-14 The ITF-14 barcode is used to create the Shipping Container Symbol. This code is used to mark cartons and palettes
EAN-14 EAN-128 derived code used to mark trade goods.
DataMatrix 2D full ASCII barcode.
IATA 2D barcode
USPSIntelligentMail 2D barcode
QR Code 2D barcode
Generate Barcode From Command Line.

Barcode Generator can be run from command line, print barcode or generate barcode image file, the command instruction format is:

"Program path" P1,P2,P3,P4,P5,P6,P7,P8,P9,P10,P11,P12,P13,P14,P15,P16,P17,P18,P19,P20,P21,P22,P23,P24

Default = The program's final setting.

P1: Barcode Value

P2: Print Quantity

P3: Barcode Format

P4: Window State of the program: [0 = Hidden, 1 = Normal, 2 = Minimized] [Default = 0]

P5: Printer Index

P6: Print columns per page

P7: Print rows per page

P8: Title

P9: If show text label: [0 = yes, 1 = No]

P10: Rotation:[0,90,180,270]

P11: Font

P12: Font Size

P13: Barcode Alignment

P14: Stretch

P15: Unit

P16: Width

P17: Height

P18: Output Mode: [0 = Print, 1 = Export to image file] [Default = 0]

P19: Print Alignment: [LEFT, CENTER], only for print

P20: Export Image Path and File Name: (Example: C:\aa.bmp, C:\aa.emf, C:\aa.png), only for export to image file

P21: Top Margin, only for print

P22: Left Margin, only for print

P23: Row Space, only for print

P24: Column Space, only for print


1. Print a barcode, the value is "ABC12345".

"C:\Program Files\Easier Batch Barcodes Generator\BarcodeGenerator.exe" ABC12345,1,Code128B,0,0,1,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,


"C:\Program Files\Easier Batch Barcodes Generator\BarcodeGenerator.exe" ABC12345,1,Code128B,0,0,1,1

2. Export a barcode image file, the value is "ABC12345".

"C:\Program Files\Easier Batch Barcodes Generator\BarcodeGenerator.exe" ABC12345,1,Code128B,0,0,1,1,,,,,,,,,,,1,,C:\aa.bmp

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